Hello World!

Welcome to Kickstart Keto! This is a place for those who are just starting out the keto journey. You will find recipes, stories, tips and tricks for maintaining a keto lifestyle. I hope that by tracking my own personal journey, and learning the ins and outs together others can find encouragement... and maybe a good cake recipe :)

About me: I live in Minnesota with my husband, 4 kids, 2 dogs, and an elderly cat. It's a busy household! I work full time as a manager in manufacturing, and in my "spare time", i play roller derby. My husband is a video game programmer, and we are both gamers at heart. In fact, all of my family LOVES video games. Between work, school, sports, and gaming sessions... we are one busy family!

I started the Keto diet the first time in 2018. I didn't really know much about it, other than what i had heard by listening to Dom D'Agnostino on Joe Rogan's podcast (you can find that HERE.) I decided it was a good choice, and gave it a half-hearted try... but it didn't really stick. Later that year, a good friend of mine started Keto because she was having health issues. She isn't much of a cook and was struggling to find recipes and food that fit into her lifestyle. This was the spark that I needed to start over and try again. This time, it wasn't just an arbitrary decision based on wanting to lose weight and feel better, but it was also to help my friend who really needed the diet for her health. Since then, I have been reading, watching videos, baking, cooking, and shopping keto for our family. I have learned a lot so far, and hope that by sharing on this blog I can encourage others who may find the diet difficult.

Thanks again for stopping by! I wish you the best of luck on your Keto Journey!

A few important notes:

Not all recipes here will be gluten free. While many will be due to the fact that low carb recipes are often gluten free... I have found that Vital Wheat Gluten is an excellent low carb option. Since I do not have a gluten allergy, I will be utilizing any low-carb sources that fit into my macros and my diet!

None of my recipes include pork. This is a personal decision of mine for many years, and has no religious affiliation. I only say this because my recipes may not fit into certain religious lifestyles, even though they are pork free. Many of the recipes could easily substitute pork products in them and be even better for your macros.

I am still experimenting with many different sugar substitutes in my desserts. Some of these may have impacts on blood sugar. Since I am not diabetic and am on keto for weight loss only, this is not an issue for me. If you have additional health needs, feel free to substitute sugar alternatives as you see fit! Just remember, all sugars have different sweetness levels... you may need to adjust the amount in the recipes to accommodate.
